(Liz Bray is a BANT Registered Nutritional Therapist)
Warmer days are here at last and we’re moving away from Winter!
I wanted to share some health and nutrition information with you:
Vitamin D – The Sunshine Vitamin. Essential to support mental health, immunity, energy levels, hormone function, skin health and bone support.
Your vitamin D levels will depend on how much time you’ve able to enjoy the sunshine, this is between March and October, in the Winter months, there are no vitamin D benefits from the sun.
A vitamin D test is a helpful method of finding out your levels. Available from your GP or from Body-Balance Nutrition clinic (please ask for details).
Also, vitamin K is an important vitamin to take in combination with vitamin D, for better absorption.
This vitamin D supplement is suitable for children and adults:
· Gummie Bears high quality chewable supplement to support immunity from age 10:
Contain vitamin D3, K2 and Magnesium. Boost vitamin D levels through the Winter months. Order link:
Call me or email to order.
Vitamin D research article: https://www.technologynetworks.com/applied-sciences/articles/vitamin-d-whats-the-latest-research-383192
Salad Dressing: Supports digestive health. Pefect for warmer days, use on salads, or any foods to add flavour.
Include in your diet daily to provide digestive enzymes and it’s anti-fungal (oregano + garlic). Flaxseed oil rich in Omega 3 + phytoestrogen, olive oil Omega 9 balancing EFAs (essential fatty acids).
Mix 50 /50 olive oil or flaxseed oil, apple cider vinegar in small jug.
Add 1 tsp mustard, 1 tsp honey, half teaspoon dried oregano, crushed chopped garlic clove, sea salt.
Mix well together and use every day on a rocket, watercress and other bitter herbs green salad.
· Eat a Rainbow – support your Microbiome:

Please get in touch for a chat if you have any questions or to find out more about how nutritional therapy could help you.
· Appointments tel: 07980601670 - in clinic or video link, or by phone.
· Book appointment online:
With warm wishes
Elizabeth Bray BANT Registered Nutritional TherapistSoN Registered NaturopathBSc DNN DipAIT MBANT CNHC
Tel: 07980601670
Zoom and Telephone consultationsAxminster Health and Wellbeing Centre, Hanover House, Chard Street, Devon EX13 5DZ
Body-Balance Nutrition, Meare Court Farm, Wrantage, Taunton TA3 6DA